Our Library
Janet Edgerton, Head Librarian, janet.edgerton@baoqiuyue.net
Margaret Cotrufo, Assistant Librarian, margaret.cotrufo@baoqiuyue.net
Location: Nature Exploration Center, Level A.
Public hours: 9am to 4pm, Monday–Friday
Library services
- Circulation
- Acquisitions
- Online catalog
- Reference
- Interlibrary loan
- Scanning
Areas of emphasis
- Natural history of North Carolina and the southeastern United States
- Field guides
- Popular and scientific natural history journals/magazines
- Children's books on natural history
- History of the Museum, including Archives
Brimley Library Collection Development Policy
The Library’s Collection Development Policy specifies the subject areas and formats for library materials to be added to the Museum Library collections, both for purchased and donated items.
About the Archives
The Brimley library houses the archives of the Museum. The archives include correspondence, receipts, scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, and photographs. The photographs include glass plate negatives and positives, lantern slides, 4x5 negatives, and 35mm slides. Most of the photographs are of the Museum exhibits, flora, fauna, scenic and agricultural subjects. The collection also includes four Japanese dolls. Most of our archival documents date from the administrations of H.H. Brimley (1895–1936; first director) and Harry Davis (1937–1966; second director).